Monday, March 15, 2010

Kind of a BIG Deal

So, some stuff has happened recently that is kind of a big deal...


That's right, she took her first steps this past weekend. She just all of a sudden decided that she wasn't scared anymore. This child is scared of NOTHING, but refused to let go of the table or me when we wanted her to walk. I was getting a bit paranoid that she'd never actually do it. Actually, I was freaking out. The doctor told me to chill, Bryan told me to chill, in fact, everyone told me that. BUT HELLO-IT DOESN'T HELP WHEN THE FIRST THING OUT OF ALL OF YOUR MOUTHS IS, "So, is she walking yet?" I MEAN REALLY! Talk about making a mom feel like crap. I had to say NO all the time. It sucked. Bryan said it was a pride issue with me (whatever B). I just REALLY wanted her to walk! She did everything else so early (not to mention that he and I walked at 9 and 10 months!). I was getting ready to put her in physical therapy. Looks like she'll save us some money now! Please, all of you remind me later (as she's running through the house screaming), how excited I was at this very moment.

ALSO...she has 8 teeth! She's currently soaking about 8 bibs a day (no, that is not an exaggeration), so I'm guessing there are some more in there ready to pop out.

She's a total parrot these days, too. You say it, she repeats it (only in cute, "did she just say..." baby babble). I love it! She sings and dances, and still LOVES bath time. She is just a delight. Well, not all the time. I should interject here that she hasn't slept through the night in quite some time. When I say quite some time, I don't mean 4 days. I mean, like, 4 weeks. NOT COOL.

SURGERY is in the cards for Lu as well. We saw an ENT (Dr. Little who we LOVED) on Friday, and he said what we had suspected. Lucy needs tubes-PRONTO. He said 9 ear infections since September was not good, and probably was more like one infection that just never cleared up. I'm trying not to be pissed at myself and the pediatrician, as they kept telling us to wait. Now, she has some hearing loss (probably not permanent, but just due to fluid in her ears). The surgery is only about 5-10 minutes long. There will be some sedation, plus Lucy has to be put under too. I'm not kidding about the sedation part. I will have to be drinking margaritas, or have some type of happy drug given to me before I'll just hand my precious love over to the docs for surgery. I'm glad she will hopefully be much better, but how do you hand you baby to someone like that? April 15th is the day (um, I guess we need to do our taxes soon), and we'll keep all of you updated on how I do (and how she does too :)