Pretty gory post title, huh? Got your attention though. It's true however. Two years ago today, there was a human extraction. Lucy Elizabeth Moore was delivered via-c-section two years ago today. It was 4:06 p.m. and our world changed forever! Lu weighed 7lbs 2 oz, was 21 inches long, and had HUGE hands and feet! She had a head of dark hair and beautiful blue eyes. She was (and still is) the most beautiful baby we'd ever seen.
I have to admit, the c-section thing was the way to go. My doctor had tried pitocin 2 weeks in a row, but to no avail. Lucy scoffed at it and was apparently quite comfortable in my belly. Finally we decided to just extract her and in about 15 minutes after my spinal was done, we had a little girl. I never got to feel a true contraction, or much pain. I was sort of cheated out of the whole "birthing" experience. IT ROCKED!
Today, two years later, the temperature and weather are EXACTLY the same. How crazy is that? Lucy has changed a bit though. Her stats are now 26 1/2 lbs, 34 3/4 inches long, and has finally grown into her hands and feet :) She is speaking in full sentences, can identify all but 5 letters in the alphabet, knows many letter-sounds, sleeps for 11-12 hours a night (sweet glory!)with "Mr. Mouse", eats like a pig (especially fruit and veggies), and is either 110% on, or passed out asleep. She loves books and puzzles, watching Sesame Street, playing outdoors, gymnastics class, and school. She says prayers every night with Bryan and I, and on the flip, has become very well acquainted with time out :) She pee-pees in the potty all day long at school, but refuses to at home (something we WILL remedy during spring break), thinks she is swimming when she lays down in the tub and kicks her feet, adores looking at pictures of herself (oops), and tells Bryan and I that she loves us at least once a day. I must brag that her developmental age, according to the doctor yesterday, is actually 3 years and one month. Sorry, shameless plug, but I had to brag! I don't know what she'll be when she grows up, but it is sure to be something! We love you Little Bit!
Enjoy the pictures we took during her party this past weekend. She's finally figured out how great these holidays and celebrations are and is so proud!