Wednesday, June 15, 2011


What parent doesn't ask themselves from time to time, "Is this NORMAL behavior?" Our child is currently obsessed with gloves (or as she says, gwubs). I am not using the term "obsessed" lightly either. She has a real hand thing going on.

To make myself feel better (and calm my neuroses) I often remind myself that she sees her teachers at school and church wearing gloves whenever they change kids or serve food, so gwubs are a part of her life each day. Also, if the mood strikes, I'll put on a pair and go out and weed (which usually results in my being covered with poison ivy or some type of bite, but that is a whole other issue). I mean, it's not like she's never seen them before. However, she really has an odd fetish for the things. And in all honesty, it doesn't actually have to be a gwub that she puts on her hand, it can be her sock, an oven mit, a puppet, my sock, her dad's sock, anything that can be pulled up and over her little fingers will do. Please see exhibits A, B, C, and D below.



So I ask you, is this normal? I sure hope so!

P.S. There are often days when she adds a headband to the mix. She is one hot mess.

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