Thursday, August 18, 2011

Back to School

Adios summer! It was a good one, but man it went by FAST! The last post I was telling you about how wonderful Lucy did after her end of summer adenoid surgery. Um, I totally spoke too soon. That was the day after surgery, but let me tell you, we were in the hospital not 4 days later. Then, we were at the pediatrician 4 days after that. I will spare you most of the details, but basically there was some major swelling that cropped up (that only a small percentage-a.k.a. OF COURSE US-experience) and Lucy couldn't swallow, wasn't eating, drinking or peeing. Not fun. Neither were the 3 FAILED IVs and blood work that was attempted at Children's Hospital.

It was also not fun to get called from your child's school twice during your FIRST WEEK BACK AT WORK. Seriously, it is like Lucy has radar for that. "Oh, Mommy and Daddy are going back to work? I think I'll have some complications from surgery now." Seriously. It is just unreal. Lucy wasn't eating, crying all the time, and complaining of a headache all day at school. Thus the reason we went to the pediatrician 4 days after the hospital (which was 1 week after our visit for the head contusion which was one week after our visit when she wouldn't get well on vacation. MAJOR FUN). The pediatrician got to see all her collapsed veins and bruises, and added a finger prick to the list of medical procedures that had been performed on my child in the past month. According to EVERYONE, her blood work was fine, there was no reason for the headache, and she had lost a pound so she NEEDED to start yesterday.

Well, it turns out that the not eating and crying were just a ploy to get out of going to school. She is really hating her new class (which we move from in 8 days). She was not happy about being at school, not getting lovey dovey vibes from her teacher, and basically was just pissed that summer was over and she had to get up and go to school. Yes folks, we have a little manipulator on our hands! She made me sick with worry for days all because she wanted to stay home and just chill like we'd done all summer. LOVELY.

We are now in week two of the transition back to school. Bryan is student teaching at the high school, I am still teaching 2nd grade (and love my class!), and Lucy is back at school full time. She is still having a bit of a hard time adjusting, but a little surprise each afternoon IF she eats and doesn't cry ALL DAY seems to be helping. We're also feeding the kid lots of milkshakes and making the most of our time together at home in the afternoons.

Bryan and I are also on constant IV drips of coffee. Oh, did I not mention that Lucy hasn't slept through the night in 7 weeks now? It is such a treat to be awakened 4-5 times a night, especially now that we're both working. Ahhh, parenthood.

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