Well, Lucy's warranty has officially run out. We hit the big ONE-O this week. Look at her a year ago! What a tiny baby!!!!
This week was not good. It was the worst week of her life. Can you believe that? Poor girl. She was sick as a dog this whole week, still is actually, although she's doing much better today. She was diagnosed with ANOTHER double ear infection on Monday the 22nd. Doc put her on antibiotics and she ran a 102 fever for the next 3 days. We did cold rags, tepid baths, tylenol, tried some pedialyte, etc. On her actual birthday, she screamed through dinner and didn't much care for anyone or anything. She felt ok for a few presents, but after that she crashed.
It wasn't spectacular. I had big plans, but they were not to be.
Then she got better, and we thought, phew, we're in the clear. We were going to have a little party on Saturday with family and a few of her little baby friends. She woke up with a 103.6 fever that morning. Great, another day ruined. I had such big plans!!!! This was starting to remind me of her birth. Remember that? We kept trying to birth her and she just wouldn't cooperate. This kid is really something.
103.6 fever is quite scary for a parent. We called the nurse line, and they said since she was halfway through and antibiotic cycle and running a fever, they wanted to see her. She was lethargic, wouldn't eat or drink, wasn't having any urine output, but some diarrhea. It was not good. I've never seen her so pathetic. She had blood work done, her temp taken in a not so nice place, was poked and prodded, and then got a shot. Her blood work showed she has a bacterial infection somewhere that is pretty bad. The doctor (who was so good and nice) thinks it is in her mastoids (glands behind her ear/deep inner ear). He said she was borderline for tubes, but after this infection, wrote us a referral for the ENT. They had to put her on the strongest antibiotic they can give kids, and told us we would be at the hospital if she didn't improve within 24 hours.
Thank GOD she peed, and we forced 9 oz of liquid down her via syringe. It was not a fun day. I was soooooooo scared. Bryan and I put her to bed and prayed over her last night. She slept all night and woke TOTALLY herself today. It was such a huge relief. Her antibiotic smells like a mixture of a landfill, lemon, and garlic. She hates it and gags and coughs each time we give it to her. It takes her little breath away (not to mention smells up that little breath too-NASTY). Good thing she only has to have it 3 times a day for the next 10 days, right?
We did a modified birthday, but we celebrated.
We had a couple of wardrobe changes (which everyone made fun of me for, but she was cute!). Her cake was FABULOUS (thank you Daisy Cake Co.), and her homemade decor was AWESOME (thank you Aunt Leah). A good time was had by all.
Lucy didn't care too much for cake-um hello, are you my child?
BUT...I suppose that is good, as cake isn't an especially healthy food for babies. She has been crawling around all afternoon playing with her new toys and books. I guess I am happy she won't remember how awful she felt this first birthday, but boy I will. This kid sure knows how to make stuff memorable.
P.S. I fell down the stairs with her in my arms. Hurt like hell, but I kept her safe. Not cool.