Saturday, December 4, 2010

First Haircut

AHHH! I did it! I cut Lucy's hair. It actually wasn't NEARLY as traumatic as I thought it would be. Plus, I think I found a new thing I am good at. Who knew I could cut a child's hair in a TRENDY little cut?

I have actually been wanting to cut her hair for a long time. I would get almost worked up to do it, then remember her cute little pigtails. I'd stop myself. Plus, we don't so much have the money for me to go take her to get at $40 haircut. However, she was starting to look like Carol Brady. You know, from the Brady Bunch. She had this cute one length, bob-type look going on in the front, but a large Carol Brady curl thing happening in the back. It was getting to me. Also, every morning when she woke up, she looked like a crazy person. I think she sleeps on her head. AND every afternoon when I get to school, all the other kids look normal, but not Lucy. She's got hair everywhere (not for lack of us trying to keep it nice, she just refuses bows and/or ponytail holders right now), sometimes with paste, snot, paint, aquaphor, etc. all caked into it. She looks terrible, and I KNOW all those other mothers were talking about me.

So, Monday night, while Bryan was at class (I knew he'd freak), I cut it. I just got those craft scissors (not at all the right type to cut hair with) and I chopped that Carol Brady curl right off! I didn't cut perfectly straight (HELLO, I'm a TEACHER, not KEN PAVES), but in the end, it turned out SOOOOOOOOO cute. In fact, she looks like a little mini-me! I totally love it, and she looks so grown up now (not what I was going for, but I am THRILLED that she looks more like me :)

I did keep a curl.
I'll save it forever.
I do still have her umbilical cord chunk.

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