Monday, August 1, 2011

I Can Do THAT!

I am a sucker for hand-painted canvases. I go to the Southern Market, and I am in hog heaven. We have one in our "playroom" (see below) called "How to Really Love a Child." My parents just bought one while we were at the beach called "The Joy of Grandparenting." They both came from It has such cute stuff! However, we are poor, and spending $50 is going to be on gas and groceries, not cute canvases.

So, I just found a great deal on a cute little bed side table for Lucy's room (you might have read that post). I took the lamp off her chest of drawers and put it on the table, thus creating a bit of a "hole" over the chest of drawers. It has been driving me nuts, but we don't have the money for me to go buy something to fill it up. However, I am slightly crafty and I remembered that we had a blank canvas under the guest bed. I have good handwriting, after all, Samford made me take a class in it before I could get my teaching certificate! I am not the greatest artist, but I figured I was capable of making something suitable for Lu's wall.

Before she was born, I was looking into those words for walls decals. I was going to do a verse from the Bible on a wall in her room. However, it was quite expensive to custom order one, AND time just ran out. I did have a professional make some small canvas monogram paintings to match Lucy's bedding. She did such a great job! But I looked and looked at her work and knew I had it in me to do such cute things.
So I thought last night, why not just make a canvas with a verse on it? I went to Michaels and spent $6.72 on paint and a small brush set. Then, I dove in! I found a verse Bryan and I both really liked, sketched it out, taped up my canvas, and 5 hours later...a masterpiece!

Well, it might not technically be a masterpiece, but pretty darn good for my FIRST canvas NOT being painted in a class while I was drinking (see OR OR I highly recommend THOSE types of classes. FUN! Anyway, here is the finished product in Lucy's bedroom. Now, if only I had time to make more.

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