Thursday, July 28, 2011

Another First

A formal definition for you:
con·tu·sion (n)
an injury to the body in which skin and bone are not broken, but damage is done to tissues under the skin, causing a bruise or bruises

My definition:
BIG ASS HEAD BUMP (n)-sorry mom.
a golf ball sized THING that pops up on your child's head when she runs and trips and slams it into the entertainment center.

Raise your hand if your kid has ever had one. Yep. Probably most of you. However, MY child had never had one...before 9:02 a.m. this morning. Let me tell you, that was terrifying. There we were, happily watching Dora when Lucy got a bit excited and ran towards the t.v. Then BOOM! She fell smack into the door of the entertainment center. Good thing we took all those baby proofing soft strips off the stupid thing about 6 months ago. Anyway, she fell, immediately started screaming her head off, and by the time Bryan jumped up to go get her, a golf ball (I know I exaggerate, but I am so not doing that here) sized bump was on the left side of her forehead. It might be the most terrifying thing that has happened to my child to date. We literally jumped in the car in about 7.2 seconds, sped to Children's Hospital (with the emergency flashers on mom!) and were with a doctor by 9:22.

Did I mention this is twice in 2 weeks Lu has been to the ER. She screamed the entire way, "I don't want to go the hospital!!!!!!!" We reassured her that she would not be poked or catheterized this time, and eventually she calmed down. Of course neurotic me was quizzing her the whole way there: "What is your full name? What did you eat for breakfast? Where did we go last week on vacation? Who am I? What color is my shirt?" She answered all perfectly which was sort of calming.

The doctors and nurses were so great. According to the doctor, an immediate bump and coherent thinking is great. She wasn't vomiting and didn't pass out. Also great. I think I knew all those things in the back of my mind, but it was sort of in my "teacher" mind and not in my "OH MY GOD THIS IS HAPPENING TO MY CHILD" mind. So the doctor pushed on the bump, checked Lucy out, gave her a popsicle, then declared as she went to the nurses station, "I'm taking that one home with me. She is adorable!" Duh lady. I kept asking what we needed to do-wake her every two hours, check pupils every 30 minutes, etc. She sort of looked at me like I was a nut job and was like, uh, no she will be fine. She doesn't know me like the rest of you. You can see her lovely CONTUSION below:
After all that trauma, we went to the mall. We've been telling Lucy that she can't go to Disney World unless she starts peeing in the potty. We told her that Mickey doesn't allow pull-ups or diapers. (You will recall we've been having some potty issues at home). Anyway, she's actually been fully potty trained (at school AND home) since we got back from vacation-wahooooo! Except now she keeps mentioning...Disney World. Bryan did warn me that using that as bribery would backfire. Guess this ONE time he might have been right. So since we are obviously in NO shape finacially to go to Disney World ANYTIME soon, we figured the Disney STORE in the mall might make her feel better AND act as a buffer since she won't be going to good old Orlando for a few more years.

The child LITERALLY squealed with delight as she walked into the store. I am talking full out squeal of joy. HILARIOUS. She picked the world's largest princess teapot set (see below) as her little present. She skipped around the store touching all the princess dresses, Minnie Mouse sparkly shoes, and Tinkerbell pajamas. It was so cute! But the HUGE teapot was all she wanted (fine by me as it was one of the cheapest things in that store-geez!) It has a million little teacups, spoons, saucers, etc. inside that I know will be lost all over my house. Oh well. We then got her a milkshake at Chick-fil-a AND a red balloon (which she has been dying for ever since she got addicted to the Barney musical video that opens with a bunch of people dressed in horrible dinosaur costumes holding red balloons).
All in all, it wasn't a bad day for her. She's napping now. I just sat and watched her for a long time, waiting for something awful to happen. Isn't that terrible? I am so neurotic. Bryan was finally like, "Honey, you need to relax." So here I am, blogging to feel better. It is sort of therapeutic.

By the way, do you spoil your kids when they have a traumatic situation like this, or are we the only ones?

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