Sunday, January 1, 2012

Is it Winter?

Today is officially the start of a new year! Do you make resolutions? I can't. I just think the hoopla is sort of silly. I mean, who really keeps them anyway? Saying that makes me feel better about being fat and happy. And, apparently we are old and grump because we tried to go to bed last night at about 10 instead of living it up like two party animals. Such is our life.

But on with the stories! We had a fabulous and busy Christmas thanks to the generosity of many. All of us were well (CHRISTMAS MIRACLE IN AND OF ITSELF), Lucy was thrilled with her gifts (as were we), and we did survive New Year's Eve (although I'd like to have a little chat with the neighbors who shot off fireworks from 10 p.m. till 12:30 a.m.-they clearly do NOT have children.) It has been freakishly warm this winter so far, but I'm sure it won't stay pleasant forever. Bah humbug to that! Below is s smattering of pictures from our holidays. So many stories, such need for a nap, so this post will be brief!

We continued our journeys with Giuseppe the Elf. Why did I do this to myself during the insanity of the holidays? I will however, be the first to admit that I am no "Overachieving Elf Mom", unlike some others I know. In fact, many nights we'd be in bed and I'd remember we hadn't done anything with the stupid elf. AHHHHH! These two were about as creative as we got:

We also attempted cookies again. My mother wanted to do gingerbread men, but neglected to look through her cookie cutters to see if she had an actual gingerbread man cut out. She did not. It was a bit crazy, but in the end we made some stellar, free-handed and LARGE gingerbread men!

Santa also paid a visit to Lucy's school. He handed each kid a small token gift (and of course the children all thought the cheap, plastic trees were the best gift ever!) She also had a "Pajama Day" at school which thrilled her to no end. She was so excited to be able to just roll out of bed and go. Made for an easy morning for Bryan and I too.

Lucy and her Daddy decided the reggae station on Pandora was the best channel ever, and danced the night away one night. Some of these pictures are a must at her wedding, don't you think?

Aunt Leah also visited before her big move to AUSTRALIA! She and Lu did some toddler style yoga and had an all out good time the whole time she was here. Lucy seriously adores this chick.

Once the grandparents from Florida got here, the baking started! We made cookies for Santa (snickerdoodles, my, I mean, HIS favorite). We made chocolate pies too. We all ate, and ate, and ate. Lucy thinks she is quite the chef after all this baking now.

On Christmas Eve, she sprinkled magic reindeer food all over our yard and Mumsy and Grandy's yard (as Santa stops at TWO houses for Lucy-yes, I fully acknowledge she is spoiled). She was so excited about this, so I suppose it is a new tradition for us. Also on the eve, we went to my parents house with the Moores for our annual dinner and general holiday merriment. Good food, lots of laughter (and adult beverages), and lots of love was aplenty!

Christmas morning was hours and hours and hours of squeals and screams of joy (Lucy even got riled up too). She got everything she wanted, plus a nice pink convertible car that terrifies the life out of her. She'll get in, but man, don't ask her to drive it! So glad we spent money on that. After merriment at our house, we headed to my parents for Christmas with them. Lucy was delighted that the magic reindeer food really did its job. Perhaps her favorite gift is her set of pink scrubs and doctor kit. It is monogrammed with "Dr. Lucy" and she tells us she's going to be a pediatrician. This is a dream we are encouraging, of course. We've already requested a lovely home in the Caribbean when she begins to fully support us on her pediatrician's salary. We can't wait!

After Christmas was over, my mom's side of the family had a little pizza party and get together. Lucy was THRILLED to meet some of her 2nd cousins and play with them all night. She must have said the word "cousins" 974 times the night before, the night of, and still today she's talking about her "cousins." Thanks Beth and Todd for totally delighting our child's heart by sharing the "Hobbits" with her. They are her new favorite things!

So our journey into 2012 has begun. Bryan had a job interview and is waiting to hear back about it. If he doesn't get this position, he'll officially be "Substitute Teacher of the Century!" We will survive. Hopefully, as the band Counting Crows once said..."Maybe this year will be better than the last!"

Here's to good jobs, good health, and good cheer all year! Hope your 2012 is great!

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