Friday, December 4, 2009

Here We Go Again

Well, I'm blogging again. For all of you who used to follow us, you know that one fateful day a few months back, my beautiful blog got erased. For you fellow bloggers, you know how life shattering this can be. All that hard work! All those hours! we are trying it again. New blog, new title, but it is sure to be just as good (if not better than the last). It might just be one of the best things you've ever read.

Here is a smattering of what you missed if you didn't read the last blog. If you did, it's a good review...

I hated being pregnant. We'll start there. I puked for 22 weeks, even on drugs. It was awful. I
didn't have morning sickness. I had 7 a.m. sickness, 10:30 a.m. sickness, noon sickness, 1:30 p.m. sickness, 3:00 p.m. sickness, and so on... I could barely get out of bed for weeks. I was miserable. I gained 35 pounds. Not too bad. I thought I looked pretty good actually, but looking back at pictures I see that I was a little round in the cheeks. I'm not Santa, so this was not actually a good thing.

I went into pre-term labor at 34 weeks, but it was stopped pretty quickly. I was put on bed rest for a few days, but luckily I was on Christmas break from school. When I was SUPPOSED to go in labor, I didn't. We tried two weeks in a row to birth Lucy, but to no avail. My body rejected, actually scoffed at, Pitocin (spell check please). It was like, "Hey, drugs... you don't scare me." Lucy had to be extracted via c-section. It was the easiest thing I ever did. You'd think that would make me want another child, but HA! You'd be wrong. I still haven't forgotten the 22 weeks of non-stop puking.

The first 8 weeks of being a new parent were SO HARD. I'm sorry, all of you who say it is magical are LIARS and you should be ashamed. I cried, I worried (an irrational amount), I didn't eat OR sleep, Lucy had reflux, breast feeding was the worst experience (besides puking for 22 weeks) of my life. It really wasn't pretty. I don't know how much I showered or actually wore clothes (real clothes people, not sweats) during that time, but I can assure you it was probably less than 10 % of the time. We had no clue what we were doing and weren't sure if we'd ever survive. If it weren't for my parents, I'm not sure we would have. However, our kid was pretty cute. So...we supposed she was worth it.

After week 12 rolled around, we kept waiting on LuLu (or Stinky, or Lucy Goosey, or Little Bit, or Bitty) to start sleeping through the night. I mean, we'd made it 3 months on hardly any sleep, now was our time right? Everyone kept telling us that week 12 was the magic week. I was now fully addicted to coffee, and Bryan was trying to lay off caffeine, but HA! That did not happen. Neither did the sleep. We waited...week 13 nothing, 14 nothing. This went on until 22 weeks (the week I started the new school year), and she finally decided she might sleep about 11 hours. SWEET LORD! It was magical.

Months 4 and 5 brought not only sleep, they brought many changes. Lucy was so much more ACTIVE and LOUD. She was smiling and happy ALL THE TIME. We were starting to actually LIKE this whole parenting thing. We started her in Baby School (I refuse to say DAYCARE) in August and that totally sucked for about 2 weeks. However, our child has never met a stranger (wonder where she got that from) and is VERY social. She LOVED baby school, so we relaxed a bit. She has great teachers (I realize I am jumping around from past to present tense, but you'll have to forgive me, as I don't really care about grammar tonight). She was taking good naps, was well adjusted and was eating like a pig. We made the transition from "SAHM" to WORKING MOM! It was actually easier than I thought. Plus, they PAINT with the babies! Can you believe that?! There is NO WAY I'd paint with her at home. She's definitely in a good place.

Months 6-9 have been a blur. They are going so fast. Looking back we've had her first St. Patrick's Day, Easter, July 4th, VACATION at the BEACH, Labor Day and Daddy's 30th, Halloween, and Thanksgiving. Lucy started crawling and talking up a storm. She cracks up like a crazy person and she LOVES taking baths (which she once feared like I do flying). She got TEETH! So cute! She's been a blast to have around. What the heck did we do before her? We must have been soooooo bored! Below are some of our favorite pics of her.

That brings us up to now...and our WILD CHILD. She's a trip! Maybe I'll post about that tomorrow.


  1. So glad you are blogging again! I love keeping up! Check out ours at!

  2. Woo hoo! Glad you're back in the blogger world. A good summary :)
