Sunday, December 13, 2009

Snot and Stuff

Do you know that on average, a baby will get 10 colds in the first year of life? That is a lot! And according to the doctor, Lucy is right on track to be average! Couldn't she be below average for this one time???? She is 9 months old and is now fighting her 7th cold. Yay. She's had the croup and 4 ear infections too. I was beginning to panic about this as I held her in the pediatrician's waiting room the other day, but was assured by the doc that she was totally normal. Great. Do you know how much I hate that nasal aspirator thingy? We call it the booger bulb. I twitch when I think of having to pull it out of the medicine cabinet and torture my child with it. We've now added nose spray to the mix too. Lucy is not fond of either as you can imagine. I now have her latest cold. Happy holidays. I am going to buy stock in Lysol.

On a lighter note, Lucy had Christmas pictures taken at school the other day. They turned out to be total crap. I was very disappointed. They couldn't get her to smile. HUH?! Have you met my child? She smiles and chats with EVERYONE! Then, I met the photographer. Uh, perhaps taking pictures of children was not her best career choice. She would be better with non-living, still life type things. Anyway, the pictures were crap, but I bought one anyway. Looking back, WHY DID I DO THAT? After looking at the crap picture for days, I decided to have a little photo shoot of my own. Have you met my father? It is in my genes. Ok, I digress...I set up a little area in the hallway, dressed little doodlebug up, and wham! AMAZINGLY CUTE PHOTOS. That other chick really does need to find a new job. Lucy is the easiest photo subject ever. She LOVES the camera. Here is the proof:

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